Sunday, January 31, 2010

what melly and i were up to last wednesday click me!
here's a peak ;D

Saturday, January 30, 2010

the Diana F+ cmyk
why cymk? because it's cyan, magenta, yellow and key(black) in colour (creative eh?)
isn't it a stunner! the colours are so vibrant and oh so playful, unlike a holga :p
i gotta get my hands on one!

Friday, January 15, 2010

if growing up means growing apart, i want to stay eighteen forever!

Monday, January 11, 2010

if you haven't noticed already

i've got a new header! wheee!
courtesy of my big brother =]

the picture was taken in Melbourne U. and i gotta say that one fine looking campus

Friday, January 8, 2010

vroom vroom

one thing i noticed is there are so many Vespas here.
i would love to ride on one. leather gloves, aviators, wind in my hair and a hot guy (for you know em safety purposes :)
yea that'll be nice

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


went to Torquay today!
after hearing james's stories of falling off the board and being tumbled by the waves during breakfast yesterday, well surfing sounds terribly scary to someone who can't swim to save her life.
no surfing for me
to make things worse, i remember watching shark week on discovery channel (was it discovery?) and how they can tear you limb by limb, ughh (ok i might be stretching the envelope a bit)

but i did give it go eventually. (knowing my five foot eight self could probably tip toe my way through the shallow parts of the shore)
anyways, it was embarrassing! but totally wicked dude! :D

the guys went surfing while hannah and i chilled on the beach
today was totally rad!
and the best thing is, we have some pretty gnarly sun burns and tan lines to keep for weeks! far out dude! (haha ok ok enough with the surfing slangs)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

nuisance in china town

had dinner at shanghai dumpling, the place where jocelyn tried to teach me the proper way to use chopsticks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Two O Ten

celebrated new year in the city

my first time spending new year's eve with my big sis

the view from the apartment

happy new years people!