Monday, August 31, 2009

wen lian! i know you can't read this right now since you're a million miles away from civilization but Happy 18th birthday!!
i can't wait for you to come back, boy do i have stories for you.
And i'm so gonna make you sit in the car while i drive, i could really use the practice :)

and to Deidre a very very belated but none the less Happy 18th Birthday!!
you're a rockstar and i love you to bits!
and hey fashion week is next month! looking forward :]

Monday, August 17, 2009

most amazing night that almost wasn't

after weeks of bugging every single possible person for a ticket to the MTV World Stage concert and coming up short, i gave up and switched on my sour grapes mode
BUT my supergirl bestie melly managed to get me a ticket last minute from her colleague who couldn't stay for the concert and post party. THANK YOU LYDIA!!
so i got dressed in record time, got there asap. melly, karen and i had already missed four performances that i didn't really care about since i was there for Kasabian, they were the last one.
we got the gold pass which was supposed to be better but i thought it was pretty crappy because it was way at the back where you have to see everything from a screen. chilled for a while when All American Rejects were performing, where melissa taught me the chorus of 'i wanna' (i don't listen to the radio ok)
anyhoo i was thinking 'oh man! i need to get closer to Kasabian!' so, melly once again working hermojo, developed a plan to get me into the mosh pit. (oh melly and karen could get in the pit because they had a media pass, both from TIC) so the plan was to get this total stranger to borrow me her media pass. And it worked!

ok ok fast forward to Kasabian. AHHH!! i was super excited! i hustled my way to get as front as possible, i was literally two people away from Tom Meighan, well if you don't count the stage and security. they performed 8 songs (all to which i shouted the lyrics to :) vlad the impaler, shoot
the runner, underdog, fire, where did all the love go, empire, club foot and L.S.F. AWESOME! i was super high! didn't care at all that my heels were killing me and my leggings were not at all breathable, the borrowed pass smelled like cigarettes, or that i was covered in my own and everyone else's sweat.
i really had a great time and so did everyone around me, oh there was this guy with an afro, he definitely had a blast. plus there was some crowd surfers (who kicked and fell on people. idiots)
best damn 30 minutes of my life!

then we went for the post party at mos, where i bumped into brian. he couldn't get in though cause he was late, he was pretty bummed (it's too early to rub it in)
Melly did try her best, plus it wasn't that great :]

anyhoos that was some crazy awesome night, and i learned two things
a) if you want something real bad, take the risk
and b) melissa is a genie

the All American Rejects
Tom Meighan of Kasabian!
yea we thought he was gonna take his shirt off
us at the mosh pit, sweat-ay!
melissa + karen
snapped pics of our post party passes while we were chilling on our plastic rain coat
met joey g that night, funny guy

anyhoo, the blouse that i wore must have stretched through out the night thanks to the heavy embellishments, plus all the jumping didn't help. . so, that'll be all the pics ya'll ever gonna see =]

Saturday, August 15, 2009

second birthday shout out of the week

ohh Keeeellyyyy!!
happy 17th birthday you little crazy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

bulk updates

- celebrated dad's birthday on sunday

- jocelyn is still here on hols for a few more days, and it's been great having her here, all that shopping!! she bought this awesome coat from zara (i need to steal it!)

the bullying has begun

- jill turned 18 on tuesday (happy happy birthday!!), made her a card, was kinda last minute, but it's not because we forgot, it's the shit load of stuff going on that kept us busy. Oh and kell and i helped made stalking a lot easier for her :p

-Taylor's charity drive was today, so exhausted!
i scared random people into buying our drinks.
playing with ice in the hot sun was fun.

dunking mr. d was the best part!

- will reprise my role as John Hopper, accused, for tomorrows moot court for the last time.
i'm so sick of being a boy

- jocelyn made me a twitter account

-still no kasabian tickets =(

Saturday, August 8, 2009

she's back.

my big sis coming home tomorrow morning!! i'm so excited i can't sleep =}

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

kasabian is coming! (deidre is screaming) for that mtv world stage event thing, from what i heard tickets are pretty hard to score. which makes me feel like a complete idiot for passing on free tickets.
anyhoos thats what best friends with backstage passes are for eh? =)
i hope they play club foot!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

busy busy busy

the past few days melly and i had been busy working on our little brain child, just today we had a crazy photo shoot thingy with Cat and Amanda in a dingy alley and parking lot.
loads of fun =]
there's still tons of kinks to iron out, it's still a little fuzzy right now

*will provide a little sneak-a-peak a.s.a.p ;p but you know me i'm very very lazy